[Moin-user] News List

Tim Bird tbird20d at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 27 21:39:01 EST 2003

--- Peter Mueller <peter.o.mueller at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if there is a way to create kind of news list on a page.
> Users 
> should be able to add news, but just the latest should be
> displayed. It 
> should be possible to define the number of displayed messages,
> expiry 
> date ...
> Is there already a solution for MoinMoin available?

I don't know of an existing solution, but this could be
done pretty easily with a modification of the Include
Macro.  In the system I envision, you keep all the news
items on a NewsPage.  Each news entry is preceded by
the date of entry, and is separated from other news
entries by a horizontal line.  The LatestNews macro
works like include, but takes the page name (NewsPage)
to extract from, and a parameter indicating how far
back to go (# of entries, of time period).  It would
parse the entries, and truncate the file after
reading entries within the specified window.

Well, there's a design for something.  It's a little klunky
but it would work, and it's not a huge programming effort.
It would, however, rely on consistent entry formatting.

Tim Bird

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