[Moin-user] Switching to MoinMoin from ZWiki

Paul Holman pablos at kadrevis.com
Wed Dec 10 15:33:03 EST 2003

Hi there,

The more extensive featureset of MoinMoin has enticed us to switch over
from ZWiki.  We use the wiki for our intranet and had been using the
ACLs in Zope to manage access.  It looks like this isn't fully fleshed
out in MoinMoin, but maybe I'm missing something.  If someone can set me
straight, that would be wonderful.

I'm using MoinMoin 1.1 and find the user login feature to be an
improvement over 1.0.  I've set up per-project wikis to keep the
namespaces separate.  I'd like to unify my usernames so I symlinked all
the data/user folders to one place.  This of course breaks the "trails"
feature.  Should I write it off, or is there a handy way to fix that?

A login doesn't get carried across wikis in this configuration, so a
user appears to need to log in to each wiki separately.  Any ideas what
I can do about that?

Per this thread:

it looks like maybe MoinMoin will pick up HTTP Auth logins.  Is there
any documentation on this?  I'd love to be able to do that.

Thanks, pablos.

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