[Moin-devel] WASP!=WASP?

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Nov 3 04:01:05 EST 2003

Hi Thilo,

> I am not sure, but the WASP, that is talked about on:
> http://twistedmatrix.com/users/jh.twistd/moin/moin.cgi/MoinMoinIdeas_2fWikiAplicationServerPage
> semms to be different than the real WASP,
> wiki-entry:
> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/Wasp

Oh, yes - you are right. The name "WASP" was an idea of Florian Festi 
and I think he simply didn't know that there already was a thing using 
this name.

> I would strongly vote against an own template engine integrated into
> MoinMoin. I think there is much work todo. Better we depend on an
> external template engine (why not the real WASP).

The "WASP" Florian is talking about is something completely different 
and has nothing to do with a templating engine.

It is simply a way to accelerate page rendering by storing precompiled 
python bytecode for the pages.

BTW, we tried that yesterday and Florian's work together with my twisted 
(persistent web server, no cgi) refactoring accelerated moin by a factor 
of 20! Pages that used to take 200ms now take 10ms.

Only the really dynamic stuff like RecentChanges still take their time.

> If we choose otherwise I would vote for a different name to reduce
> confusion inside the Python community.

Well, I think as soon as this is merged into cvs, we won't need a 
separate name for that any longer.


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