[Mobile-sig] Python code to Android App

Dipankar “Dipu” Ganguly dipugee at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 10:50:11 EDT 2016

Thanks Russ. A few things to think about.



Dipankar “Dipu” Ganguly
dipugee at gmail.com
Cell: 408-203-8814

> On Aug 30, 2016, at 7:35 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <russell at keith-magee.com> wrote:
> Hi Dipu,
> The short answer is “not really” - especially if you’re hoping to have an actual user interface.
> The problem is that Android *really* wants you to run Java. You *can* compile CPython for Android, but that code won’t have any easy access to UI elements like buttons - you need to use JNI to bridge into the Java runtime. Another approach would be to play around with running your Python algorithm as a service on your tablet, which your UI then interacts with.
> Another approach is to use VOC, which is a Python compiler that outputs Java classfiles; this is a fairly new tool (so it isn’t feature complete with Python yet), and it isn’t the fastest option, so if you’re doing image processing, it might not be the best idea.
> Jython would also be an option - but Jython doesn’t currently compile on Android, due to some binary dependencies that Jython has.
> So - it *can* be done, but you’re going to need to get your hands dirty if you want to make it happen. There isn’t an easy, ready-to-use, just-deploy-it solution for Android.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 7:13 AM, Dipankar “Dipu” Ganguly <dipugee at gmail.com <mailto:dipugee at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I am developing image processing algorithms in IPython under Anaconda Navigator’s Jupyter on my Mac running OS 10.11.6. Is there a way to convert that code easily into an Android to run on an Android tablet?
> Thanks.
> Dipu
> Dipankar Ganguly
> Consultant: Strategy/Technology/Commercialization
> Bothell, WA
> Cell: 408-203-8814 <tel:408-203-8814>
> email: dipugee at gmail.com <mailto:dipugee at gmail.com>
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dipugee <http://www.linkedin.com/in/dipugee> 
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