[Mobile-sig] Python code to Android App

Russell Keith-Magee russell at keith-magee.com
Tue Aug 30 10:35:07 EDT 2016

Hi Dipu,

The short answer is “not really” - especially if you’re hoping to have an
actual user interface.

The problem is that Android *really* wants you to run Java. You *can*
compile CPython for Android, but that code won’t have any easy access to UI
elements like buttons - you need to use JNI to bridge into the Java
runtime. Another approach would be to play around with running your Python
algorithm as a service on your tablet, which your UI then interacts with.

Another approach is to use VOC, which is a Python compiler that outputs
Java classfiles; this is a fairly new tool (so it isn’t feature complete
with Python yet), and it isn’t the fastest option, so if you’re doing image
processing, it might not be the best idea.

Jython would also be an option - but Jython doesn’t currently compile on
Android, due to some binary dependencies that Jython has.

So - it *can* be done, but you’re going to need to get your hands dirty if
you want to make it happen. There isn’t an easy, ready-to-use,
just-deploy-it solution for Android.

Russ Magee %-)

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 7:13 AM, Dipankar “Dipu” Ganguly <dipugee at gmail.com>

> I am developing image processing algorithms in IPython under Anaconda
> Navigator’s Jupyter on my Mac running OS 10.11.6. Is there a way to convert
> that code easily into an Android to run on an Android tablet?
> Thanks.
> Dipu
> Dipankar Ganguly
> Consultant: Strategy/Technology/Commercialization
> Bothell, WA
> Cell: 408-203-8814
> email: dipugee at gmail.com
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dipugee
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