[mmgsoc] Status - webUI

Benedict Stein benedict.stein at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 12 17:42:57 CEST 2011

Am Dienstag, den 12.07.2011, 11:21 -0400 schrieb Barry Warsaw:

> On Jul 06, 2011, at 08:21 PM, Benedict Stein wrote:
> >IIRC we stopped with a new testing layer which fixes dupliaction bugs
> >during doctests,
> >most of the sites are now rendered in "the site" which does already have
> >menu items which are not yet linked.
> I don't understand these two items.  Can you elaborate? ;)

1. As promissed Flo tought me to implement and use doctest in all parts
of the project.
But i had issued getting correct tests because running the test would
create dummy content into the mm3 DB - which was not running in testing
mode when running django test.
In the meantime we solved this - Flo amended some lines to the Tests
which make sure we do have a mailman testing instance running. Since of
then all tests pass successfully, and there is no dummy content in the
mm3 DB.

2. Anna and Flo already prepared a few views last year, i moddified them
to work together with the new version of REST. Most of these sides were
coded for single use (using a "what to do next" link part at the end of
the page. 
I've used my proposal for a possible Menu structre and added a menu
above the content block, most of the menu items are not yet linked to
the correct view.

→ But that's where I'm today, in the meantime i focused on one way of
displaying only parts of the settings (using GET var option and section)
and could go on linking the menu items to the correct views or parts of
the settings. In addition i had problems saving settings after modifying
them - these are now gone.

At the moment I go on further with menu items, creating the neccessary
views / links. In particular I'm modfying the subscription page.

Please feel free to download the latest dev version or contact me on

> >Overall I'd summarize MM3 Webui got a7 compatible and some minor
> >enhancements, I'm still experimenting on how to display the different
> >pages , but I can proceed tomorrow :-)
> Cool.  Remember, I'm always on #mailman during US/Eastern working hours!
> Question: have you or any of the other students found anything missing in the
> core that blocks your progress?  If so, please let me know and I will
> prioritize them.
> -Barry


Einen schönen Tag wünscht:
Benedict Stein

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