[mmgsoc] Status

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Tue Jul 12 17:21:09 CEST 2011

On Jul 06, 2011, at 08:21 PM, Benedict Stein wrote:

>IIRC we stopped with a new testing layer which fixes dupliaction bugs
>during doctests,

>most of the sites are now rendered in "the site" which does already have
>menu items which are not yet linked.

I don't understand these two items.  Can you elaborate? ;)

>Overall I'd summarize MM3 Webui got a7 compatible and some minor
>enhancements, I'm still experimenting on how to display the different
>pages , but I can proceed tomorrow :-)

Cool.  Remember, I'm always on #mailman during US/Eastern working hours!

Question: have you or any of the other students found anything missing in the
core that blocks your progress?  If so, please let me know and I will
prioritize them.

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