[Microbit-Python] Say hola to microperi [WIP]

Andy Crook andy.crook at gmail.com
Mon May 16 05:06:27 EDT 2016

School IT is a massive problem. I teach computer science and the controlled
assessments require linux usage this time. We don't have any linux boxes,
won't get any, can't install any VM (it's too 'expensive'!) and aren't
allowing kids to bring in anything of their own.

On windows, they aren't able to use a terminal or run executables. So I'm
just saying, if anything makes things easier to depoly and use without any
rights so much the better.

On 16 May 2016 at 09:31, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:

> On 16/05/16 09:18, David Whale wrote:
> > I think it's not really how schools organise their IT that is the
> > problem. It's us developers who assume that *everyone else* is happy
> > with spending hours downloading all sorts of things and building
> > packages from source.
> >
> > I actually take sides with Laura Dixon on this one.
> >
> > Why should I have to download a program in order to install some other
> > program?
> >
> > I don't think we're there yet as an industry. If we want to engage with
> > schools and teachers, we have to have some better best-practices that we
> > can all follow to make it easier and more accessible for them.
> >
> > Another one to add to the 'lunchtime beer and chat' agenda ;-)
> >
> > David
> >
> Oh I'm totally with Laura and you on this. But let's be honest here,
> school IT is *also* a huge problem. I've spent hours talking to teachers
> who vent about not being able to install things because of bureaucratic
> reasons. Note - this is not the same problem as venting because
> installation is complicated, the IT infrastructure issue is because of
> ineffective leadership and bureaucracy.
> Both should be tackled, but I agree with you 100% that making things
> easy to install is important and, importantly, it's something we
> developers can help with a lot easier than, say, fixing shonky school IT
> infrastructure.
> Best wishes,
> N.
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