[Microbit-Python] Say hola to microperi [WIP]

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon May 16 04:31:56 EDT 2016

On 16/05/16 09:18, David Whale wrote:
> I think it's not really how schools organise their IT that is the
> problem. It's us developers who assume that *everyone else* is happy
> with spending hours downloading all sorts of things and building
> packages from source. 
> I actually take sides with Laura Dixon on this one.
> Why should I have to download a program in order to install some other
> program? 
> I don't think we're there yet as an industry. If we want to engage with
> schools and teachers, we have to have some better best-practices that we
> can all follow to make it easier and more accessible for them. 
> Another one to add to the 'lunchtime beer and chat' agenda ;-)
> David

Oh I'm totally with Laura and you on this. But let's be honest here,
school IT is *also* a huge problem. I've spent hours talking to teachers
who vent about not being able to install things because of bureaucratic
reasons. Note - this is not the same problem as venting because
installation is complicated, the IT infrastructure issue is because of
ineffective leadership and bureaucracy.

Both should be tackled, but I agree with you 100% that making things
easy to install is important and, importantly, it's something we
developers can help with a lot easier than, say, fixing shonky school IT

Best wishes,


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