[Microbit-Python] Sending data to a computer

warks raspijam warksraspijam at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 16:52:52 EDT 2016

Martin O'Hanlon has written this blog which does what you need. >>>>

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Andrew Ferguson
<andrewferguson500 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to send serial data between a computer and a Micro:bit,
> I can send data to the microbit from Nicholas' REPL program, but I'd love a
> way for the microbit to be able to send data to the computer. I thought UART
> would be the solution to this, but the docs state that:
> Initializing the UART will cause the Python console on USB to become
> unaccessible, as it uses the same hardware. There is currently no way to
> bring the console back, without restarting the module.
> so I presume it won't work. Is there any way I can specify to send UART data
> over USB rather than on two specific pins with a way that will not interrupt
> the operation of the REPL?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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