[Microbit-Python] Uploading of HEX files

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Mar 8 15:45:29 EST 2016

Hi Andrew,

We already do extraction from a MicroPython hex file.

>From the command line you can use the uflash utility to do so (see the
documentation here: http://uflash.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

Alternatively, the Mu editor will do this conversion automatically via
the "load" button. See: https://github.com/ntoll/mu

Finally, the microbit.co.uk website is created by Microsoft - it's their
code that converts the TouchDevelop based hex files back into the
source. However, since Python and TouchDevelop are completely different
languages / platforms this functionality does not work in TouchDevelop
for MicroPython based hex files. There is a ticket in the system to make
it work but this, obviously, depends on user feedback and prioritisation
from the BBC and Microsoft.

I hope this helps.


On 08/03/16 19:36, Damien George wrote:
> The original script is stored (compressed) at the end of the hex file.
> When you upload it, it extracts the script. We could do a similar thing
> with MicroPython.
> On 8 Mar 2016 18:42, "Andrew Ferguson" <andrewferguson500 at gmail.com
> <mailto:andrewferguson500 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Around a month ago I noticed that the BBC Micro:bit website has
>     support for uploading of HEX files, which then gives the exact code/
>     blocks that were used to generate that HEX file. Would anyone be
>     able to tell me how this works? I assume some sort of server-side
>     storage, but I would be interested in a more definite answer.
>     I realise my question is not related to Python on the Microbit, but
>     I was hoping someone here could help answer my query, as I've been
>     unsuccessful getting help through other support channels.
>     Thanks,
>     Andrew
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