[Microbit-Python] Micro:bit schematics

Jonathan Austin Jonathan.Austin at arm.com
Fri Aug 19 11:15:45 EDT 2016

Hi all,

> On 17 Aug 2016, at 20:47, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> Long answer: it's coming and I don't know when.e:
> Jonny Austin (from ARM, perhaps a subscriber to this list)

Just to clarify - this isn’t ARM’s design to release - it’s a BBC and
micro:bit partnership thing but I’m continuing to work on the project
at ARM and so have visibility of some of this.

> is in the
> best situation to explain when that's going to happen.

Longer answer: Nicholas already gave the best answer anyone can give at the
moment - there are a number of things that need to happen, both from a legal
and technical point of view before the design can go out the door.

But maybe we can take some of those things out of the loop for certain uses
and certain components.

For example I’m currently looking to see whether the schematic could be made
available open source sooner than other parts, say the gerbers which might
be more complicated to get out.

Overall, I think it’s really important to provide these so that people can take
the micro:bit designs and embed them into their own projects - I’d like to see
a clear path from:

‘I built this with a micro:bit’
‘I use the open source micro:bit and extended the design and now I’ve got my own board’

So - what are you trying achieve? Would the schematic help? Would more data about the
design help? Pin allocation data?

As you’ll see, there are a good number of parts of the micro:bit ecosystem
already open source, so you might be able to get what you need elsewhere
for now - for example the micro:bit is based on the mbed HDK for nRF51822,
which is in turn based on a Nordic reference design. The HDK can be
found in source control here:


> It is,
> frustratingly, the final piece of the jigsaw to be open-sourced.

> Sorry I can't be more helpful.

It’s absolutely not forgotten, it will happen, hopefully soon but
committing to times isn’t the right thing for anyone in the project to do at
the moment, sorry.


> N.
> On 17/08/16 20:45, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
>> Hi Nicholas,
>> Did you hear any News at the IET about the schematics?
>> Nigel Kendrick
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