[Microbit-Python] Differences between BBC: microbit and pyboard

Ben Mustill-Rose ben at benmr.com
Sun Aug 7 08:41:37 EDT 2016


yt up
and then try
yt build
again. I have no idea why you have to do this but I've received the
same error a few times & doing this always solved it.

Having said this, as Carlos says, the easier (but less interesting)
way of getting a generic MicroPython hex file is to just extract the
runtime from uFlash. From memory the relevant line is 314.


On 8/7/16, Carlos P.A. <carlos.p.a.87 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The hex file you've downloaded from the website packs micropython together
> with your script file. Admittedly it's not the latest version, as it is
> missing things like the radio and voice modules, but it has REPL access.
> If you want to use the latest version of micropython you don't have to
> compile it from source, the flash utility uflash and the code editor Mu
> contain it already :
> https://github.com/ntoll/uflash
> https://github.com/ntoll/mu
> I'm on mobile, so I cannot easily check online, but I was under the
> impression that the README contains all required packages, there is also an
> issue in the github repository that had more detailed steps for debian
> (which should be transferable), and you could also check the "compiler
> install scrip" I put together a little while ago for
> https://github.com/carlosperate/microbit-dev-env .
> Other than that the error is not very explicit, is that all it printed
> about it? Could you copy the entire output in a file and post it?
> On 7 Aug 2016 12:40, "hot.toast via Microbit" <microbit at python.org> wrote:
>> I'm getting confused over the differences between running micropython on
> the pyboard and on the BBC:microbit.
>> I have been playing with the  pyboard for a number of months and have a
> reasonable understanding of how to use micropython on that platform. But it
> is my current belief that the BBC:microbit does not ship with a python
> interpreter and that I have to roll my own using yotta and copy the
> resultant hex file to the microbit before i can get a REPL prompt .
>> 1. Is that belief correct? (I don't seem to have to  load the firmware
> using DFU like on the pyboard)
>> 2. I have successfully complied basic micropython to a .hex file using
> the web interface and got this running on my microbit, so I know the board
> is working correctly.
>> 3. I have tried to follow the instructions on
> https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython/README.md. using a Linux Mint
> 17.3 system but when I get to "yt build" (or make all) I get the following
> error
>> [102/291] Building CXX object
> ym/ble-nrf51822/source/CMakeFiles/ble-nrf51822.dir/adsafdas/micropython-master/yotta_modules/ble-nrf51822/source/nRF5xn.cpp.o
>> ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
>> error: command ['ninja'] failed
>> Any ideas where to go next?
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