[Microbit-Python] JOE / DAMIEN - REQUIRES ACTION Re: Is there a publicly available Asm/C/C++ API yet?

Finney, Joe j.finney at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Sep 1 11:57:38 CEST 2015


Just sent an invite to the micro:bit DAL repo also. 

I did create a read only group for the same reason as Damien mentioned, so let's see if it works! :-)

Mark: let me know if there's an access control problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Damien George [mailto:damien.p.george at gmail.com] 
Sent: 01 September 2015 10:56
To: For Pythonic MicroBit related disucssions
Cc: Finney, Joe
Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] JOE / DAMIEN - REQUIRES ACTION Re: Is there a publicly available Asm/C/C++ API yet?

markshannon has been added to my private repo.

Mark: you have push access (don't know any other way to give you
access without full access) but please don't push!  Send PRs only.
Thanks :)

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> Great stuff!
> N.
> On 01/09/15 10:42, Finney, Joe wrote:
>> Ah, ok. Looks like you're on the github view. Will get a github invite out to Mark in a mo.
>> joe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nicholas H.Tollervey [mailto:ntoll at ntoll.org]
>> Sent: 01 September 2015 10:39
>> To: Finney, Joe; microbit at python.org
>> Subject: Re: JOE / DAMIEN - REQUIRES ACTION Re: [Microbit-Python] Is there a publicly available Asm/C/C++ API yet?
>> Hi Joe,
>> In the yotta.json file the following (GitHub???) repos are referenced:
>> "dependencies":{
>>     "mbed-classic": "~0.0.4",
>>     "ble": "lancaster-university/BLE_API#master",
>>     "ble-nrf51822": "lancaster-university/nRF51822#master",
>>     "microbit-dal":"lancaster-university/microbit-dal#master"
>>   },
>> Does this answer your question?
>> Basically, we're asking for access to the repos that will allow people to build MicroPython (on of which is the microbit-dal we're building our "microbit" module on top of).
>> Regards,
>> N.
>> On 01/09/15 10:07, Finney, Joe wrote:
>>> Hi Nicholas,
>>> Yes, of course. Can you clarify exactly which repo though? We've moved
>>> our active dev tree onto github, and there's a snapshot on mbed.org
>>> that we update periodically. So mbed tends to be more stable, and
>>> Github tends to be more up to date.
>>> Which is best for you guys? It's probably important that you all look
>>> at the same one. :-)
>>> joe
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Nicholas H.Tollervey
>>> [mailto:ntoll at ntoll.org] Sent: 01 September 2015 08:27 To:
>>> microbit at python.org; Finney, Joe Subject: JOE / DAMIEN - REQUIRES
>>> ACTION Re: [Microbit-Python] Is there a publicly available Asm/C/C++
>>> API yet?
>>> On 29/08/15 20:23, Mark Shannon wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> If we are to design a nice Pythonic API on top of the underlying
>>>> low-level API it would help to know what that API is.
>>>> Does one exist yet, ideally on Github or a similar open website?
>>> TL;DR - Joe and Damien, can you please add Mark Shannon (markshannon)
>>> to the repos referenced below.
>>> Mark,
>>> OK... so the DAL has a private repos. I've cc'd Joe F. from Lancaster
>>> Uni who has been leading this work. When the device is delivered to
>>> schools this code will be open sourced.
>>> Damien has a special MicroPython-microbit repos hosting the, er,
>>> microbit version of MicroPython (what else?). The instructions for
>>> compiling the project etc... are in the README therein.
>>> It is the DAL that exposes a C++ API upon which MicroPython will build
>>> its "microbit" module. This evening, on the train home from London, I
>>> intend listing/documenting its capabilities and posting them onto this
>>> list for all to see.
>>>> Did I missed an announcement or is it still not public yet?
>>>> Googling and searching github gives me nothing useful.
>>> We're still very much covered by the NDA. Remember, this is more for
>>> media management purposes. Everything is "open sourced" when the
>>> devices are delivered to schools.
>>> Happy to answer questions..! But I suspect things become clearer when
>>> you see the code.
>>> If anyone else wants access, please shout - you've all signed the NDA
>>> so there shouldn't be a problem and we need all the help we can get..!
>>> N.
>>>> Cheers, Mark. _______________________________________________
>>>> Microbit mailing list Microbit at python.org
>>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/microbit
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