[Microbit-Python] Update to the music API specification

Damien George damien.p.george at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 01:06:19 CEST 2015

I updated the code to combine "note" and "tune" into the single "play" function.

But I now see a problem: since reset is called before "play" starts
playing, there is no way to change the tempo!  There is now no use for
get_tempo and set_tempo!

Or am I missing something?

So I think "play" should reset only the default octave and duration of
a note, but not the tempo parameters.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 9:58 PM, Matthew Else <matthewelse1997 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nicholas
> I started having a look at non-blocking a day or two ago, but since then I’ve been dealing with uni work/lectures/university shenanigans - I should have some free time tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll try and get it done then. From what I can tell, it shouldn’t be particularly taxing, it’s just a matter of working out where we can and can’t get away with simplifying things to save on RAM in some cases.
> Matthew
> On 15/10/2015, 21:48, "Microbit on behalf of Nicholas H.Tollervey" <microbit-bounces+matthewelse1997=gmail.com at python.org on behalf of ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>As promised I've updated the music API specification to reflect our
>>recent stimulating conversations.
>>The only significant change to the API that'll need fixing is that the
>>pin argument is made optional and the "tune" and "note" functions are
>>consolidated into a single "play" function.
>>By the looks of it these are not onerous changes - obviously I
>>understand what needs to be done but given my complete lack of C/C++
>>experience I'm unsure how best to go about it since I don't have other
>>similar functions upon which to base a solution. Anyone fancy stacking
>>this onto my music-updates branch..?
>>I've also added the Monty Python theme tune because Python programming
>>can't have enough MP references (no matter how obvious they appear to be).
>>Matthew, how's the non-blocking work going..? Once that's in we have a
>>complete and rather wonderful music API.
>>Best wishes,
>>Microbit mailing list
>>Microbit at python.org
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