[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Howard Baker-IF&L howard.baker at bbc.co.uk
Sun Jul 12 12:46:20 CEST 2015

Hi Nicholas,

My personal view on this is that everybody is talking about the same thing. Micropython is a brilliant solution and we should be aiming to support it and get it out there -- it would be mad not to. I think what Michael, Joe and I are talking about is can we do other things as well -- can we *also* explore getting BLE supported and see if there is a way to do it -- not just because it would help Micropython and kids but because it would help the whole project to optimise things -- and can we *also* see if we can get a version inside the web app. Not as an alternative but as a way of extending Python (and Micropython) to another audience. If we can do both then let's try to do it, if we can't then offline offers all the advantages you've outlined.

Thanks for everything

-----Original Message-----
From: Microbit [mailto:microbit-bounces+howard.baker=bbc.co.uk at python.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas H.Tollervey
Sent: 12 July 2015 01:42
To: microbit at python.org
Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

On 11/07/15 22:59, Finney, Joe wrote:
> I agree with Michael here, there is a risk that not having BLE will
> limit the potential of a micropython based platform.

I disagree. The benefits far outweigh the lack of BLE (although I
totally share your desire to make BLE work if at all possible).
Apologies in advance for the evangelical tone I take - like you, I'm
completely floored by what Damien has achieved, both as a Python
programmer and as a teacher.

I wish you could see it in action. Programming the device directly via
the Python REPL is a hugely compelling educational activity. Kids love
the immediacy of it all (we see this every year at PyCon UK when kids as
young as 7 blinkenlight with LEDs and a RPi). :-)

As a programmer and teacher who values freedom and flexibility, being
able to use the tools *I* choose to work with is important. Writing
Python using my preferred editor and dragging the .py file to the device
doesn't lock me into a single hosted platform that I won't be familiar
with. It also reduces the risks associated with a project that relies on
the goodwill of third party corporate sponsorship. There is no third
party with MicroPython - it's just you and the device.

That it's *real* Python is also a wonderful thing - the learning pathway
from the micro:bit to other programming activities (such as Python on
the RPi) is a *lot* more obvious, simpler and easy to facilitate as a
result. I get to teach in a language with which both me and my students
are already familiar (remember, text based programming is part of KS3
and Python is the usual way this is achieved).

Classroom management is also a lot easier with a device you just plug
in, connect to and type instructions. I know from experience how painful
getting a class of 30 kids to sign into a website can be. What happens
to the lesson if the school's connection goes down 5 minutes in? Who
sets up the accounts? What happens if I'm on XP with IE6 (still somewhat
common in schools with creaking old IT infrastructure)?

Furthermore, that it is an alternative also means we're facilitating
exploration, experimentation and evaluation - all essential
skills/attitudes for a successful engineer.

As a kid I'm motivated by Python because it's a real programming
language. The skills I'm learning have real economic value and, hells
bells, MicroPython is being evaluated by the ESA for use in space bound
payloads. Who doesn't want to write code on a platform that maybe used
in space!?! Think of the imaginative / inspirational angle of that..!

Personally, I think kids are going to have a lot of fun poking around
with all the other stuff MicroPython can do.

There's also a positive spin on the current lack of BLE: having unsolved
problems is also a good thing for building a community too. There's
nothing like a challenge to get people diving in and engaging... that's
why I'm trying to get Howard to give us as many micro:bits as he can
spare. It'll create such a buzz in the wider Python community. ;-)

If there is some way in which it can be made to work then I *definitely*
think we should try. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) intends to
create "bounties" for Python related work and progress on the device.
BLE could be a good candidate when the project finally opens up. It's
far better that it works or we attempt to make it work than to not try
at all.

Having said that, this all depends on how much the BBC are willing to
support these "off script" MicroPython efforts. Those of us in the
Python community who went through the process of signing an NDA,
volunteering personal weekend time and exploring the available options
certainly believe it is, by far and away, the best Python solution for
the micro:bit.

Damien has delivered an epic solution. Of course we should attempt to
make it the best solution we can, but not to go with an already
compelling solution would simply be throwing away the baby with the

Such is life: a series of compromises in an ever changing world. ;-)

Best wishes,


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