[Microbit-Python] Python on the MicroBit. The PSF's suggested solution.

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Jul 6 19:02:27 CEST 2015


Many thanks for you positive feedback. :-)

On 06/07/15 17:53, Michael wrote:
> Have read the document. 
> Micropython works on the device? Micropython works on the device! That's
> *_astonishingly awesome_*, especially considering everything else
> discussed there. 

You can thank Damien for that. He deserves a gold star for making it happen.

> I'm truly astonished and think that's an amazing accomplishment. It's a
> *far FAR *better solution that I could have hoped for. When I was
> putting the prototype micro:bit and system together this simply wasn't
> due to the constraints we had then - which led to the python/c++
> compiler tool chain approach (I checked Micropython and Pymite last
> october). This is really cool.
> The production microbit being a larger device with more RAM/Flash
> allowing this is IMO a far far better solution.

Exactly. It also helps that the chief ARM engineer involved with the
project (Jonny - also of this parish) is Damien's next door neighbour. ;-)

> *Howard, Fiona: *The proposed option /*eliminates*/ the need for a
> compile step at all for python. You can still have a browser based
> editor - but rather than having it sent to a server for compilation, you
> could simply download the file/save locally. You can retain all the same
> branding etc, you can have the files hosted on the same platform as the
> rest I would assume (since they could be static content I guess), but
> you sidestep the need to worry about the touch develop platform.

It eliminates a browser too. Personally this is a huge step. Browser
based editors are (to be honest) naff when compared to native editors
that kids and teachers will already know.

> Ignoring all the technical benefits that this brings, it brings a major
> extra - it means that if in a week, a year, 2 years, 5 years, hosting
> for a compiler site went away, children using them in Y8, Y9, Y12 would
> still be able to use their devices, so long as they were in "python mode".

That's an excellent point. I wish I'd thought of that! ;-)

It's more of an argument in our favour.

> *Nick:* I'm not sure how quickly your mail will be read - I know there's
> things happening tomorrow, and I'll be there, so I'll see if I can point
> Howard/Fiona in this direction allow with your specific requests.
> (Hopefully they'll both see this beforehand)

I totally understand. "Real work" is getting in my way tomorrow but I
can't stress how important it is that we move forward with the BBC on
these efforts. A Friday meeting would be ideal.

It's not resources or people that are the major hurdle here - rather
time. The more of it we have, the better will be the end result.

> None of this is even vaguely my call, but I think this is really really
> fantastic progress :-)

You're welcome..!

I might add that none of this would have been possible without your
initial work or the incredibly useful posts you have made to this
mailing list.

Best wishes and best of luck tomorrow,


> Michael.
> On 6 July 2015 at 17:14, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org
> <mailto:ntoll at ntoll.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Fiona and Howard,
>     (cc: the microbit at python.org <mailto:microbit at python.org> mailing list.)
>     You asked for "Python on the Microbit".
>     We (those who participated in two recent workshops) have a
>     recommendation to fulfil this request. I've written a private password
>     protected web-based report that summarises our work and recommendation.
>     The details you need are as follows:
>     URL: http://tollervey.com/bbc/
>     Username: microbit
>     Password: snakes
>     (Note - all the content in the report, including the videos and images,
>     is password protected.)
>     We want to move forward on this recommendation as quickly as possible.
>     As a result we'd like to meet with the BBC (where "we" is myself, Damien
>     and someone from the Raspberry Pi Foundation) to work out how we can
>     best cooperate, collaborate and complement each other's work.
>     How does Friday afternoon at the BBC in London look to you? Late
>     afternoon is best for me.
>     What we need from the BBC is a FAST decision on how we move forward. It
>     would be useful if decision makers at the BBC can be in the proposed
>     meeting to facilitate this. Put simply, the longer the delay, the harder
>     this becomes for all concerned.
>     As always, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have
>     and/or move any mountains that appear on our roadmap.
>     Best wishes and best of luck for tomorrow's launch,
>     Nicholas.
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