[meta-sig] SIG discussing future, Python 2.0

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@cnri.reston.va.us
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 12:18:46 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "GH" == Gerrit Holl <gerrit@nl.linux.org> writes:

  GH> Hello, what about creating a future-sig or a 2.0-sig? Because
  GH> 2.0 will be incompatible, many things can be changed - do you
  GH> think it will be meaningful to create a sig for this subject?

  GH> A thing I'd like to discuss: ''.find returns -1 if it doesn't
  GH> find a certain string - None would be more clear, in my
  GH> opinion. This, and much more, could be discussed in such a SIG.

  GH> What do you think?

  GH> The retire date would be the date of the 2.0 release or feature
  GH> freeze - unknown dus.

Well the name we've been using is "Python 3000" or Py3K <0.7 wink>,
but that's not really important.

The discussion for this can take place on python-dev.  I don't think
there's any need for a sig.  Furthermore, the substantial overlap
between such a sig and python-dev would cause trouble.
