[META-SIG] Re: Python a new opportunity.

Samual M. Rushing rushing@nightmare.com
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 23:32:28 -0500


>>>>> "je" == JOE ELLSWORTH <JOE_ELLSWORTH@HP-Cupertino-om5.om.hp.com> writes:
    je>      I believe Python and a TK look alike could fill this
    je> niche better than currently available development tools and
    je> would benefit from doing so by attracting a new group of
    je> previously inaccessible pragmatic application developers.  Of
    je> course marketing the availability of the tool would be as
    je> important as making it available in the first place.  Some non
    je> trivial applications using the tool would also help.
    je>      The core MFC libraries are available for CE and as such a
    je> porting effort should not be terribly difficult except for
    je> memory foot print and access to a few proprietary features of
    je> the new device.
I don't know about MFC on the CE platform, but elsewhere MFC is nearly
a megabyte.  [imagine what you could do with a megabyte of python byte

    je>      Features Needed to compete in this space: Compatibility
    je> with Windows CE.
    je>         A base memory foot print less than 500K, ideally less
    je> than 300K.  multiple copies of interpreter should be able to
    je> share base memory.
One thing you might want to explore is the fledgling 'class library'
that's included with the 'calldll' module: Although it's very
incomplete (I don't get to work on it much), it suffices for building
windows applications.  It uses calldll to speak directly to the
windows API: (i.e., it calls functions in user32.dll, gdi32.dll,
kernel32.dll, etc...) Even with the message loop written entirely in
Python, the performance is good: I've written applications that do
scrolled scaled graphics...  Most of this is in about, hmmm... 50-60k
of pyc files.

I think a Tk-like library (in other words, a well-designed,
object-oriented library where widgets can be composed) could be built
on this.  In fact, that was my goal when I started working on it.

[see http://www.nightmare.com/software.html for a description of the

- -Sam

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