[META-SIG] Python a new opportunity.

JOE_ELLSWORTH@HP-Cupertino-om5.om.hp.com JOE_ELLSWORTH@HP-Cupertino-om5.om.hp.com
Tue, 15 Jul 97 09:33:55 -0600

     Python a new opportunity.
     I have been watching Python for some time and it is apparent that 
     Python could benefit from a large group of new programmers.  As such I 
     have would like to propose an idea that may help provide such a group.
     I have began looking at an area of applications that are ideal 
     candidates for execution on the new class of Windows/CE palmtops such 
     as the HP/LX300.  We have developed several applications for Laptops 
     that would be better deployed based on this new class of devices but 
     have no available development environments that would facilitate 
     moving these applications to the device and for the most part any 
     applications built for the CE are not portable or directly inter 
     operable to the desktop 
     My experience in the vertical application market space leads me to 
     believe that this group of devices will represent one of the fastest 
     growing application deployment segments during the next several years.
     I believe Python and a TK look alike could fill this niche better than 
     currently available development tools and would benefit from doing so 
     by attracting a new group of previously inaccessible pragmatic 
     application developers.  Of course marketing the availability of the 
     tool would be as important as making it available in the first place.  
     Some non trivial applications using the tool would also help.
     The core MFC libraries are available for CE and as such a porting 
     effort should not be terribly difficult except for memory foot print 
     and access to a few proprietary features of the new device.
     Features Needed to compete in this space:
        Compatibility with Windows CE.
        A base memory foot print less than 500K, ideally less than 300K.
        multiple copies of interpreter should be able to share base
        Built in extension libraries to support new object store. 
        This should be reflected 
        Built in GUI extension libraries to support 
        Ability to fetch files from a local PC or a remote network 
        source using the PC serial connection.
        Built in extension library to support core GUI competency 
        of the CE class of devices which would be a primitive 
        grid widget and a sideways note tab container widget.
        Extension library to support NT / UNIX inter operability.
        Extension library to support inter operation with 
        the TAPI/IP programming interface.
     Optional Enhancements that would improve Market acceptance:
        Compatibility at source level with  Newton.
        A Python UNIX/NT server that can interact with client   
        A browser with better capability than IIE Light. (EG: Scripting).
        A Javascript to Python Translator or Emulator.
        An automated bridge to a ODBC data source residing on a 
        the partner PC.  This could be done with a small python
        server residing on the PC which accesses the ODBC data 
        source and proxies requests on behalf of the palmtop device.
     I understand that this would represent a significant effort but the 
     rewards as per the number of new developers may be well worth the 
     See: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsce/developer/ 
     If anybody develops such a tool I would be interested in alpha testing 
     it.  My primary motivation is in having a more productive tool set 
     available for application deployment while encouraging success of GNU 
     style free software contribute to standards rather than having only 
     proprietary vendor supplied tools control this new segment.
     Any feedback or different viewpoints would be greatly appreciated.
                Thanks, Joe E.

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