[melbourne-pug] Agile

Aidan Lister aidan at aba-systems.com.au
Sat Jan 30 03:18:57 EST 2016

Send me your resume or GitHub! Any developer worth their chops is going to
slot into an agile workplace in a heartbeat. People over process, we are
just looking for great devs!

Your reflection sounds like a short sighted HR level decision, unless you
were going for a team lead role where you'd be expected to drive the agile

On Sat, 30 Jan 2016 at 2:59 PM, Brian May <brian at linuxpenguins.xyz> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I recently had a job application rejected, for a Python Role, with the
> following explanation:
>        "Although we were impressed by your experience and passion for
>        technology (particularly Python/Django), we are looking for more
>        hands on experience working in an agile team environment.
> I suspect a lot of employer's consider Agile very important, and this
> might be a reason why I haven't had a lot of success so far with my job
> search.
> However, there seems to be this problem that I can't get experience
> "working in an agile team" without getting one of these jobs, which I am
> unlikely to get because (in the view of the person making the decision)
> I haven't had the "hands on experience".
> i.e. in Python that would be:
> class Experience(object):
>     ...
> def get_job(experience):
>     required_experience = ????
>     experience = get_additional_experience_required(experience,
> required_experience)
>     while True:
>         try:
>             job = apply_for_job(experience)
>             ...
>             attend_interview(job, experience)
>             ...
>             return job
>         except ApplicationRejected:
>             pass
> def get_additional_experience_required(experience, required_experience):
>     while experience < required_experience:
>         job = get_job(experience)
>         goto_work(job)
>         experience = experience + perform_job(job)
>     return experience
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     experience = Experience()
>     while True:
>         job = get_job(experience)
>         try:
>             while True:
>                 goto_work(job)
>                 experience = experience + perform_job(job)
>                 goto_home()
>                 goto_bed()
>         except LostJob:
>             pass
> Which is likely to produce a stack overflow error. However I don't think
> stackoverflow.com is going to help me here. How do I fix the above code?
> (1st draft only: applying for a job should be multi-threaded, so I can
> have a number of open applications at any one time; there is also
> several problems with my get_experience_required function if get_job
> actually returned a result: e.g. no sleep and no catching the LostJob
> exception)
> Apparently just having experience in using the developmental tools, such
> as git, Jenkins, Gerrit, Tox, github, Travis, etc is not sufficient. Nor
> is my experience in a being a sole developer of a large and complicated
> open source Django based application. I suspect I have used principles
> of Agile development already, however not as part of a formal
> development team.
> I just wondered if anybody here had any tips for how I might go about
> convincing potential employers that I can participate in an formal "Agile
> team environment"?
> Yes, I could read up more about the theory of Agile programming, however
> I think they want practical experience, not theoretical knowledge.
> Thanks.
> --
> Brian May <brian at linuxpenguins.xyz>
> https://linuxpenguins.xyz/brian/
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