[melbourne-pug] [pyconau-orgs] Permanent links to Code of Conduct

Christopher Neugebauer chrisjrn at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 11:50:11 CEST 2015

On 10 April 2015 at 00:39, Javier Candeira <javier at candeira.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Chris.
> If Pycon AU adopts the LA code of conduct, that would make me (I speak
> personally) want MPUG to adopt it too. And many of the other reasons for it
> (MPUG organisers and presenters are also involved with Pycon, so their
> acceptance of the CoC is a given in many cases) would stand too. Let's say
> that we'd be adopting the Pycon AU CoC by reference, not by value.
> Note that it's my opinion that a small user group has different dynamics
> than a big conference, so the language itself did not bother me much. I
> think the signaling aspect of having a CoC at all and the commitment of the
> organisers to take issues seriusly is much more important than the wording
> of the CoC. Having said that, it's always better to adopt a well-maintained
> document.
> For the reasons above I'm going to suggest on the MPUG list that we adopt
> the LA CoC too, "since it's the one used by Pycon AU". When do you
> expect/hope the Pycon AU organisation to make the decision to switch?

Sorry for the delay,

PyCon AU has adopted the LA code of conduct for 2015:


--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
WWW: http://chrisjrn.com -- Twitter: @chrisjrn

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