[melbourne-pug] Job Opportunity - Software Engineer/Developer (Python)

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Feb 26 02:18:17 CET 2015

Hi, Tennesee,

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll put the rule-of-thumb rules in the
wiki today after COB.

Also, no criticism on your passing the emails, despite the
disagreement. We never thank you for minding the mailing list, so
thank you!



On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg
<tleeuwenburg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, here's my proposal.
> Let's put together either
>  (a) A word document
>  (b) A web page that's hosted somewhere (this is probably the best option)
> This should state our expectations for recruiters. About 80% of these email
> come from non-subscribers. I will reject all these emails and send them the
> information on how to get a message through, including the expectations on
> content and the need to subscribe directly. Having a specific
> easy-to-reference document will make it easier for me to moderate the list
> and cut down substantially on unwanted content.
> The big question for me is whether I should reject all of them, or let some
> through based on "gut feel".
> Once we've resolved it, I propose that everyone then accept that policy and
> not complain about whatever does make it onto the list. That way there won't
> be a big flutter of meta emails every time something happens.
> Until then, I'm going to continue with a gut-feel approach to moderation,
> but I am very happy to have something better in place.
> Thanks,
> -Tennessee
> On 26 February 2015 at 11:59, Javier Candeira <javier at candeira.com> wrote:
>> I think there is a difference between a job offer on a community list and
>> a recruiter non-offer.
>> Job offers that I can remember came from the BOM, Medibank, Biarri, Graeme
>> Gumnow. They spoke of the stack being used, the kind of job, and often a
>> clear salary expectation. They were also by someone who was part of the
>> community and could engage in meaningful discussion.
>> These type of job leads are great, and I think should be very welcome on
>> this list.
>> The ad we are discussing now:
>> - Does not mention an employer, or even an activity
>> - Does not mention a tech stack
>> - Has a salary bracket so wide as to be meaningless
>> - Is by someone who won't discuss the job or the employer, and does not
>> form part of the MPUG community.
>> For that, anybody interested or looking for a job can do a search
>> themselves on Seek or Monster for Python/Melbourne. There is zero loss to
>> the community in keeping this type of messages off the list.
>> I repeat my request that these messages not be approved, following the
>> criteria that I set in the previous recruiter thread.
>> Regards,
>> Javier Candeira
>> _______________________________________________
>> melbourne-pug mailing list
>> melbourne-pug at python.org
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/melbourne-pug
> --
> --------------------------------------------------
> Tennessee Leeuwenburg
> http://myownhat.blogspot.com/
> "Don't believe everything you think"

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