[melbourne-pug] Job Opportunity - Software Engineer/Developer (Python)

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 02:15:36 CET 2015

Okay, here's my proposal.

Let's put together either
 (a) A word document
 (b) A web page that's hosted somewhere (this is probably the best option)

This should state our expectations for recruiters. About 80% of these email
come from non-subscribers. I will reject all these emails and send them the
information on how to get a message through, including the expectations on
content and the need to subscribe directly. Having a specific
easy-to-reference document will make it easier for me to moderate the list
and cut down substantially on unwanted content.

The big question for me is whether I should reject all of them, or let some
through based on "gut feel".

Once we've resolved it, I propose that everyone then accept that policy and
not complain about whatever does make it onto the list. That way there
won't be a big flutter of meta emails every time something happens.

Until then, I'm going to continue with a gut-feel approach to moderation,
but I am very happy to have something better in place.


On 26 February 2015 at 11:59, Javier Candeira <javier at candeira.com> wrote:

> I think there is a difference between a job offer on a community list and
> a recruiter non-offer.
> Job offers that I can remember came from the BOM, Medibank, Biarri, Graeme
> Gumnow. They spoke of the stack being used, the kind of job, and often a
> clear salary expectation. They were also by someone who was part of the
> community and could engage in meaningful discussion.
> These type of job leads are great, and I think should be very welcome on
> this list.
> The ad we are discussing now:
> - Does not mention an employer, or even an activity
> - Does not mention a tech stack
> - Has a salary bracket so wide as to be meaningless
> - Is by someone who won't discuss the job or the employer, and does not
> form part of the MPUG community.
> For that, anybody interested or looking for a job can do a search
> themselves on Seek or Monster for Python/Melbourne. There is zero loss to
> the community in keeping this type of messages off the list.
> I repeat my request that these messages not be approved, following the
> criteria that I set in the previous recruiter thread.
> Regards,
> Javier Candeira
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Tennessee Leeuwenburg
"Don't believe everything you think"
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