[melbourne-pug] Moving the August MPUG meeting to the second Monday (and possibly the September one too)

Graeme Cross gcross at fastmail.fm
Wed Apr 30 02:13:14 CEST 2014

On Tue, 29 Apr 2014, at 12:47 PM, Javier Candeira wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm planning to ask the Inspire people whether we can
> move the August and September sessions to the second Monday of the
> month.
> August so we don't overlap with Pycon AU. September so we can keep
> having 4 weeks between meetings. The October meeting would go back to
> the regular montly slot.
> The success of the change of calendar depends on the availability of
> the venue, but before asking Inspire9 I wanted to know what you think.

Hi Javier.

I think it makes a lot of sense to move the August meeting, given that a
lot (most?) people will be in Brisbane for PyCon AU.

I am ambivalent about moving the September meeting; I don't think having
a three week gap between two meetings hurts and I think it helps to be
as consistent as we can with the first Monday of the month (for example,
we always hold the November meeting on the first Monday, even though it
often means it is held over the Cup Day pseudo-long weekend).


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