[medusa] Re: trouble with 19990902 snapshot: asyncore.loop() exists immediately

jam jam@n...
Fri, 3 Sep 1999 00:16:52 -0400

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 11:45:08PM -0400, jam wrote:
> greetings,
> I've been beating my head against the wall for an hour or two trying to
> figure out what I might be doing wrong, but to no avail.. hopefully someone
> on the list can shed some light on this..
> -- cut here --
> import sys
> import asyncore
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> from medusa import default_handler, filesys, http_server, resolver, logger
> rs = resolver.caching_resolver("")
> lg = logger.file_logger(sys.stdout)
> fs = filesys.os_filesystem(".")
> dh = default_handler.default_handler(fs)
> hs = http_server.http_server('toast', 8081, rs, lg)
> hs.install_handler(dh)
> asyncore.loop()
> -- cut here --


I have been plugging away a little more at this problem, and when I change
the 'from medusa import ...' line to include 'asyncore', and remove it from
the top of the script, everything works *fine*. this is odd because I copied
the 'asyncore.py' file from the distribution into /usr/lib/python1.5, so
there really shouldn't be a problem, should there? can this be handled by
adding something to the '__init__.py' file in the medusa directory? it
appears I've tickled some wierd feature of the interpeter, or perhaps less
of a feature or *something*.

further comments, questions, flames, etc, welcomed.

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