[Matrix-SIG] british standard graphs

Dave Stinchcombe dars@fook.mechanoid.soton.ac.uk
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:05:23 +0100

Hi folks,

I have been producing graphs for my work using the pygist module. Untill
now there has been no problem. However I discover that there is a british
standard for graphs. It is seen as essential that I now produce graphs
which comply with this standard (as well as converting all my old ones).

Essentially the standard requires the graph to be placed in a drawn box
(not a virtual box), with the dashing on the inside of the box, and the
numbers on the outside. 

Does anyone know the simplest way to sort this out ? One possibility I'm
considering is writing a program to munge the postscript output from
pygist, and turn into british standard form. Does this seem like a sane
option ?

Thanks for your time.
