[Ironpython-users] Compiling IronPython for .NET 2.0

Markus Schaber m.schaber at 3s-software.com
Fri Jul 29 08:03:22 CEST 2011

Hi, Jeff,

Von: Jeff Hardy [mailto:jdhardy at gmail.com]

> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Markus Schaber <m.schaber at 3s-
> software.com> wrote:
> >> [Compiling IPy 2.7 for a pure .NET 2.0]
> >
> > I did try to patch some of the problems
> >
> > git at github.com:markusschaber/IronLanguages.git (2.7-maint branch)
> >
> > Now I have about 270 problems mostly relating to extension methods,
> > maybe I will find enough time to fix some of them this evening.
> Are you building with the 3.5 (or 4.0) compiler? That should still handle
> extension methods, even when targeting 2.0. At least that's how IP 2.6
> worked.

Yes, I'm building with the 4.0 compiler. (IP 2.6 built those targets with the V3.5 compiler). Maybe that's the reason why the Extenson Method attribute workaround won't work anymore?

> Removing all of the extension methods is too large a change to consider.


> > Is it even worth the effort, given that our own use case seems to
> > vanish soon?
> That's really up to you. If the changes are minimal, then I think it'll be
> fine.

It seems we won't need that changes for our own customers. If the Ubuntu people can live with what the current state is, I would stop my efforts.

> I don't know what to do about IStrongBox though. That's a question for
> Dino.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Schaber

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