[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 7/21/2011

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Fri Jul 22 14:40:46 CEST 2011

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] Locally unhandled exceptions being reported by debugger



1. [New comment] Locally unhandled exceptions being reported by debugger
User AphexSA has commented on the issue:

"Update: Dino Viehland replied to my crossposted issue on pytools' codeplex. It looks like this may be a simple fix - the change is on the IronPython side:

dinov wrote Jul 15 at 1:46 PM
it can be tricky but it's all contained to one file, and actually I think I misspoke - we probably need to use filter blocks instead of fault blocks (as we do actually want to handle the exception). The filter would test the exception and then the catch block would run. It would also mean we could have slightly different behavior if someone else was using filters (e.g. VB.NET). 

Looking at the code their could be a simpler solution - we could be missing clearing debug info when we first go into the catch block. If that's the case we just need an Ast.ClearDebugInfo() expression as the 1st expression of each of the .Catch blocks in TryStatement.cs. For finallys we might need a different fix - potentially using a fault block there if GlobalParent.EmitDebugSymbols is true."

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