[IronPython] Building IronPython/IronRuby for Mono? Yes!

Doug Blank doug.blank at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 14:09:17 CEST 2011

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Jeff Hardy <jdhardy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Excellent! IronPython 3.0 (trunk) with .NET framework 2.0 *builds* and
>> *runs* great under Mono 2.10. And it seems to *run* great under Mono
>> 2.6.7 as well! It does NOT build under Mono 2.6.7, but I suspect that
>> many mono build issues between 2.6.7 and 2.10 have been fixed.
> When I get a chance I'll cherry-pick those changes onto the
> ipy-2.7-maint branch as well. There's not much difference now, but
> they will diverge quite a bit in the future.


BTW, IronRuby also builds under Mono 2.10 with the 2.0 framework and
so runs under Mono 2.6.7, so we have a complete DLR set for Mono.

xbuild Solutions/Ruby.sln /p:Configuration="v2Release"

I've also been updating the wiki to keep it up to date:


Let me know if you have suggestions, or corrections.


> - Jeff

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