[IronPython] IronPython and XML Parsing

Doug Blank doug.blank at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 20:14:18 CEST 2011

As the the original issue, I couldn't get the FePy XML parser to work
(nor any variation), so gave up, and went with a stand-alone XMPP dll
that does it all. It would be most excellent to get a expat module

To Vernon's point:

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Vernon Cole <vernondcole at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking of an actual .deb file, which will put everything in
> the right place, hook up menus and whatnot, like the Windows installer
> does. I thought I'd try that after I finally manage to create a .NET
> 2.0 build which works. [I re-built my Ubuntu box last weekend so that
> I can start over. My earlier efforts resulted in killing my old Ubuntu
> installation, and the openSUSE I replaced it with was an interesting
> experiment, but not something I can use on a day-by-day basis.]  I
> want the next guy to have less trouble than me.
>  I was thinking of using fepy to perhaps collect lots of optional
> modules -- like the db-api modules which are already there -- in one
> place so they are easy to find and load.  PyPi has lots of modules,
> but how many of them will run on IronPython? The only one I am sure
> about is the one I support myself.  I think a modest core of extra
> (non-standard-library) modules would be nice. I definitely do want to
> have the packaging tools working, too, but I would like to not have to
> go hunting and experimenting.

I'd rather have all of the old FePy-like support here. I don't see a
reason we need to divide Windows IronPython from Linux etc IronPython,

>  My first thought was to package everything EXCEPT the Python
> installer, just use the distro installer (on Linux) or the .msi
> installer, and then add the extras from fepy.  But I started to change
> my mind at the announcement that there would not be a .NET 2.0 release
> of IPy 2.7.
>  Perhaps not having a 2.7 which runs on my distro is making me a bit crazy?

Why can't we have a IPy 2.7 for .NET 2.0? It builds nicely, now, and
should be fine as a drop-in replacement for what ubuntu (and others)
were packaging before.


> --
> Vernon
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Jeff Hardy <jdhardy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Vernon Cole <vernondcole at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have sent several emails to Seo asking him about the status of fepy,
>>> and received no response.  I think this would be a great place to
>>> build a "fatter" distribution of IronPython, with more modules
>>> attached, and a set of Linux binaries.  (Besides, I hate having my
>>> name associated with a dead project - Mike Foord and Jeff too, I would
>>> suppose.)
>> Linux-specific binaries shouldn't be needed anymore - they should work
>> out of the box on Mono (although if you want to maintain the .NET
>> 2.0/IronPython 2.7 builds, that might be useful). As for libraries, I
>> would like to see the packaging tools like pip working on IronPython
>> so you could just do `ipip install fepy` and get the bonus modules.
>> - Jeff
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