[IronPython] IronPython 2.6 CodePlex Source Update

merllab at microsoft.com merllab at microsoft.com
Mon Feb 15 17:54:14 CET 2010

This is an automated email letting you know that sources 
have recently been pushed out.  You can download these newer 
sources directly from http://ironpython.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/63991.


Changeset Id: 1591043
Date: 2/13/2010 7:30:01 AM

- Bug 359739 (test_name.py) is fixed
- CP23878:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP23914:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP23992:  added a regression.  Not fixed
- CP24169:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP24077:  added a regression.  Fixed

(Shelveset: CP03;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: 10360)
Changeset Id: 1590796
Date: 2/12/2010 6:36:38 PM

Modifies calls to “unicode(…)” so that they behave like calls to unicode on CPython 2.6.  When we see a call to a NameExpression where the name is “unicode” we generate an in-line check to see if the object we’re calling is actually str.  If it is then we generate a call to a set of methods defined on a UnicodeHelper class.  These methods do the same thing as CPython’s unicode function:
	Call __unicode__ first if it’s defined, otherwise try __str__ when called with just oen param
	Decode strings/bytes/buffers/etc if an encoding type is provided when called with >1 param.

Also includes  a change to make ipyw.exe on Dev10 be a real windows app.

(Shelveset: UnicodeStr;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 10353)
Changeset Id: 1590569
Date: 2/12/2010 3:25:41 PM

Fixes a bug where addressof() returns the address of a function instead the address where the address of the function is stored.

(Shelveset: FixCtypesAddressBug;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 10345)
Changeset Id: 1590268
Date: 2/12/2010 11:53:12 AM

- CodePlex 20370: added regression.  Fixed
- CodePlex 23562: added regression.  Fixed
- CodePlex 18595: added regression.  Fixed

(Shelveset: CP03;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: 10343)
Changeset Id: 1591043
Date: 2/13/2010 7:30:01 AM

- Bug 359739 (test_name.py) is fixed
- CP23878:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP23914:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP23992:  added a regression.  Not fixed
- CP24169:  added a regression.  Fixed
- CP24077:  added a regression.  Fixed

(Shelveset: CP03;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: 10360)

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