[IronPython] Office add-in with IronPython?

Saveen Reddy saveenr at microsoft.com
Tue Apr 20 09:18:04 CEST 2010

I once wrote an Office Add-In for Visio 2007 that hosted IronPython. Can you provide some context around the kind of add-in are you thinking about creating and how do see it making use of IronPython? 

From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] on behalf of Mats [mats at ronin-group.org]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:28 PM
To: users at lists.ironpython.com
Subject: [IronPython] Office add-in with IronPython?

I've search all over for an example and/or tutorial for writing Office add-ins
with IronPython to no success. Does anyone know if such a thing exist?  Or has
anyone made an add-in that would be willing to help me get to a minimal add-in?
I have very little knowledge of .Net and IronPython but have worked with CPython
for years.  I just installed IronPython a week or so ago and am
enjoying working
with it.


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