[IronPython] IronPython/NWSGI 0-byte 200/404 response with HelloWorld?

Markus Törnqvist mjt at nysv.org
Mon Sep 28 16:45:51 CEST 2009

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 08:33:13AM -0600, Jeff Hardy wrote:
>On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Markus Törnqvist <mjt at nysv.org> wrote:
>> Should this be taken as a sign that NWSGI is non-trivial to get running
>> with 2.6RC1 and a lot of the DLL-space errors could stem from forcibly
>> forcing stuff to work that just can't work together?
>I looked at it yesterday, and 'impossible' would be a better way to
>describe it. Some types have moved between assemblies (from
>Microsoft.Scripting to Microsoft.Dynamic) and so simply changing the
>assembly bindings won't work. There were also some API changes that I
>need to fix before NWSGI will even compile against RC1.

So what I thought was working with the assembly-binding was actually
just an assembly error that looked like a Django error because my
screwing around with refresh got me into Django.

>I would stick with the B2 releases of both for the time being, until I
>can get a new build up.

Very non-trivial, I suppose, with the attribute errors and all, but I'll
probably "see what I can do".

Just started thinking if it were possible for me to do python web on
IIS/NWSGI with anything else than Django, it might even be possible,
but what a pain...

Hopefully you figure out how to fix NWSGI :)



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