[IronPython] Curious about the development cycle and community involvement

tyler at monkeypox.org tyler at monkeypox.org
Wed Oct 14 20:02:15 CEST 2009

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Dino Viehland wrote:

> > That said, if relative imports are borked, you don't really meet the
> > "2.6 compatibility" bullet on the roadmap ;)
> This is a bug w/ relating to PEP 366 (Main module explicit relative 
> imports).  I've added a simple repro to the bug and will look at fixing
> it for RC2.


> That being said json isn't going to work w/ IronPython 2.6  The reason
> is that the json module relies upon CPython's sre_* modules instead of 
> relying upon just the normal re module.  We'll presumably need to 
> re-implement all of json in order to make this work as we have no plans
> to implement sre as it's been deprecated in favor of re which we already
> implement.

Less than awesome. but a fair point. Do issues like this get logged back
to bugs.python.org? (IMHO that's a bug with Python, no reason to use

That said, is there a fairly straightforward means of bridging
collections like Dictionary<T,T> and List<T> to their python equivalent
types? If so, than wrapping
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer would be a decent
enough workaround for now IMHO.

Thanks for the feedback, cj mention that you guys were good people ;)

-R. Tyler Ballance
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