[IronPython] Problem Running Compiled Ironpython APP .NET Issue

Bruce Bromberek bruce.bromberek at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 17:45:47 CEST 2009

I'm stuck.

I have an Ironpython (  .NET 2.0.50727.3082 according to ipy console
screen )app that I have created and successfully run multiple machines under
my control.

I've given the compiled app to other users.  Half of the time it runs great,
the other half it dies right away with a System.MissingMethodException
:Method not found
void.system.reflection.emit.dynamicmethod..ctor(....)  error message.  When
I googled that string I read a post that reminded me that Ironpython
requires .Net2.0 SP1.

I had the affected users upgrade their installs to .NET framework 3.5  and
the .NET 2.0 version is 2.0.50727.1433  (SP1 according to a table in

The die at launch is still occuring.

Can anyone point in the right direction to solve this problem and/or tell me
what is causing it.  In case it helps, I have listed the imports I'm using
in the script in addition to standard 5 ironpython assemblies/dll

import clr

import sys
import System
import System.Data
from System.IO import Directory, Path, File
from System import DateTime
from System.Windows.Forms import DialogResult, OpenFileDialog
from System.Drawing import Size
from System.Windows.Forms import Button, DockStyle, Panel, Form,
FormBorderStyle, Padding, TextBox
import time

Bruce Bromberek
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