[IronPython] FePy patches

Sylvain Hellegouarch sh at defuze.org
Sat Oct 6 18:41:11 CEST 2007

Thanks a lot Seo.

I can confirm I managed to compile IP2.0a4 after applying Seo's patchs 
using the release of mono

It even launched and hasn't crashed yet :)

Again, thank you Seo. You rock!

- Sylvain

Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
> I overhauled FePy patches list.
> http://fepy.sourceforge.net/patches.html
> There are now separate pages for IronPython 1.x branch and 2.x branch.
> I cleaned up all patches I wrote for 2.x branch, added some more, and
> documented them. The simple result is that Mono 1.2.5 should compile
> and run all 2.x Alpha releases with these patches.
> Many of them are workarounds for Mono bugs, which aren't very interesting.
> I hope equivalent of patch-flags-argcount to be applied in 2.0 Alpha 5
> to fix #6805, which is already fixed in 1.1.
> Is there any chance you can take patch-nant-build, that is, include
> IronPython.build under Src directory? Since that is in patch form, the
> copy I am using is here:
> http://sparcs.kaist.ac.kr/~tinuviel/download/IronPython/IronPython.build

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