[IronPython] Reading configuration file from Interpreter

ftorres at incisif.net ftorres at incisif.net
Sat Dec 9 23:04:59 CET 2006

Try to put your options in the file ipyw.exe.config or ipy.exe.config in the 
ironpython folder.
I think that is where the options are going to be read.
I did not try, it is just a guess.

Frederic Torres
Web Testing with C# or VB.NET

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. Merrill" <jvm_cop at spamcop.net>
To: "Discussion of IronPython" <users at lists.ironpython.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Reading configuration file from Interpreter

>I didn't see that anyone else responded, so I'll take a shot -- the DLL 
>could be locating a configuration file not for itself (dllname.dll.config) 
>but one for the .EXE that loaded it (exename.exe.config).  Given that you 
>didn't tell us what the name of the DLL or configuration file is, that 
>seems possible.
> If you've found the answer, please let us all know.
> At 11:52 AM 11/10/2006, erase_ego wrote
>>I have a .NET DLL which reads a configuration file using classes in 
>>System.Configuration namespace. I am running methods in this DLL from 
>>IronPython interpreter. It is working fine except that it is not able to 
>>read the configuration file. I have the configuration file in the same 
>>folder as the DLL. I have used AddReferenceToFileAndPath to add a 
>>reference to this DLL. Any ideas. Thanks
> [snip]
> J. Merrill / Analytical Software Corp
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