[IPython-dev] New Notebook extensions: Spell checking, document tools, cell tools

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 06:07:06 EDT 2014

Le 27 juil. 2014 à 07:50, Doug Blank a écrit :

> IPython notebook users,
> Looking for some beta testers to try out three new notebook extensions. These are browser extensions, so should work with any kernel. They are:
> 1. Spell check: this is implemented in JavaScript, not too big (~700k), and pretty fast. It is currently set up to work only for Markdown cells. It toggles on/off via the "check" button. Doesn't offer suggestions for misspelled words, but is a big help in writing. Currently, English only, but supports a range of dictionary types via Typo.js.
> 2. Cell tools: There are two formats for code cells: Input/Output Tabbed view, and Column view. The Tabbed view will cover the Input code cell with the Output of the code, and you can tab back and forth. The Column view will show the output in a column next to the  input column. Both of these buttons toggle individual code cells, and remembers their state when you re-open the notebook. These don't show in nbviewer, however.
> 3. Document tools: There are three different extensions for handling documents: 1) Heading numbering, 2) Table of Contents generation, and 3) Bibliographic support. The first two are fairly straightforward in functionality: the first toggles heading numbering on/off, and the second creates a Table of Contents from the heading cells.
> The Bibliographic tool is a bit more complex, and still needs to be refined. It does two things: replaces citations in your Markdown with proper author/year, and creates a References section at the end of your notebook with cited sources (this part isn't complete yet). It uses Bibtex data stored in the notebook, or in a separate Bibliography.ipynb in your root dir. For more on this tool, see:
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/Documentation/Reference%20Guide/Reference%20Guide.ipynb#4.-Bibliographic-Support


> (Documentation hasn't been refined yet; This is a temp version. We hope to have some demo videos next week.)
> To install, you can do something like:
> 1) Change to the profile you want to use:
> cd $(ipython locate)/profile_default/static/custom/
> 2) Overwrite or edit your custom js and css:
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/custom_example.js -o custom.css
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/custom.css 
> 3) Get the extensions that you want:

Sice 2.0 IPython has a /nbextension folder were you can put things like that and have access  cross profiles. 
You just have to use requirejs in each custom.js to load them. 

Will try and do an more extensive explanation. 

> Document tools:
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/bibtex.js
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/document-tools.js
> Cell tools:
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/cell-tools.js
> Spell checking:
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/spell-check.js
> wget https://bitbucket.org/ipre/calico/raw/master/notebooks/profile/static/custom/typo.zip
> unzip typo.zip
> We'd be glad to get feedback on any and all of these. We hope that you find them useful!
> -Doug (and the Bryn Mawr College digital humanities team)
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