[Inpycon] Sponsorship & Tickets sales are live + Additional updates

Sanchit Balchandani balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 01:08:43 EDT 2023

Hi All

Hope you are doing well, I am sharing some important updates from the past
couple of weeks:

   - We were finally able to secure a *venue* for our conference days at *JNTU
   Hyderabad* and we've received written confirmation.
   - With the Conference Days venue finalized, we've *launched ticket sales*
   and opened opportunities for *sponsorships*.
   - Please feel free to purchase your *early bird tickets* via this link:
   - We are also seeking sponsors. Please help us spread the word. The
   prospectus* is available at: [1]
   - We've secured additional *keynote* speakers. Unfortunately, Kailash
   Nadh had to decline due to some family commitments. Here are our confirmed
   keynotes so far:
      - Rushabh Mehta
      - Jessica Greene
      - Shailesh Kumar
      - Marcelo Trylesinski
      - Ee Durbin (he has confirmed his interest, and we are currently
      awaiting his final confirmation)
   - We are working hard on finalizing a venue for Workshop & DevSprints
   very soon.
   - PyCon India CFP [2] is still *open*, we have got around 50 proposals
   so far, please do *help* us spread the word.

The past two weeks have been hectic, which explains some silence on the
mailing list. We'll do our best to keep everyone updated here.

For more details, feel free to check our weekly check-in Minutes of Meeting
(MoM) document here: [3] and Zulip[4].


[0] - https://in.pycon.org/2023#attend
[1] - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rIb3PLx9gUi-oWPdOdmldbHLy8Vaz-E2/view

[2] - <http://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/>
[3] - <http://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/>
[4] - https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/
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