[Inpycon] Alternative Venues in Chennai

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Tue Feb 5 13:19:18 EST 2019

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the support! While the Chennai Trade Centre is a suitable 
venue for the conference. We would like to see if there are any other 
better venue options that we have missed out. The venue should meet the 
following criteria:

  * 3 Halls, in close proximity, for three parallel tracks
      o One 1000+ seater
      o One 500 seater
      o One 200 seater
  * One more hall for open spaces
  * Dining space that can accommodate 1000+ people, in close proximity
    to the venue
  * Space for registration desk and sponsor stalls

If you are aware of venues, that meet this criteria, please help us with 
the following details:

  * No. of halls and seating capacity
  * Proximity of the halls
  * Cost of the venue, for the above mentioned requirement
  * Location of the venue
  * Availability in the month of October, or last week of September
  * Other benefits if any, like complimentary rooms for speakers, in
    case of hotels

If you are proceeding to collect details for a particular venue, please 
indicate that on the mailing list, first (to avoid duplication of 
effort). You can provide the details, later on, once you get a quote. 
Suggestions with the details needs to be provided by this weekend, 
before we can take a final call on the venue.


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