[Inpycon] Venue for PyCon India 2018

chandan kumar chandankumar.093047 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 13:10:58 EST 2017


On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 10:33 PM, Noufal Ibrahim KV
<noufal at nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 04 2017, vijay kumar wrote:
> [...]
>> Just a few pointers for PyCon India 2018. We are planning to get minimum 6
>> keynote speakers from outside India, adding few new things like Kids track,
>> startup rows, etc., also its a 3 day conference this year. Last year we had
>> regular ticket for Rs.*1500* for 2 days conference. Even going with last
>> year's price, to increase a day, we have to increase the cost by 750 which
>> is *2350*. I have no idea what we are debating here. Quality comes with
>> cost.
> I'm personally okay with setting a price tag of 3500 if it reduces
> dependency on sponsors and if it can get us a good venue. I don't mind
> if the cost is reduced participation. There are several PyCons happening
> in India now and all of them are quite good. If a 3.5k cost once a year
> is too much, well, that's that. I've generally been unsuccessfully
> pushing for sacrificing audience and talk quantity for quality. It's not
> a well received idea but I think this is a step in that direction and
> while it might not be correct, it's atleast a worthwhile experiment.

>From all the replies, we are debating over **quantity**, not over
quality and weekdays versus weekend.
As Vijay already started the cost and everything related to PyCon India. So,
Let's work together instead of discussing a lot, make it the best
PyCon India ever had.

> However, I'm quite against doing the conference on a weekday. Organising
> travel, taking days off etc. are all complex and it would put a lot of
> otherwise interested people off. Workshops and such are special interest
> and low participation anyway so putting those on weekdays might be
> okay. The main conference which is when everyone hangs out and chats
> etc. should, in my opinion, be on a weekend.

I don't think keeping a conference on weekdays decreases the number of
PyCon Pune 2017 happened on weekdays and it was housefull. Most of the
PyCon conferences
outside India happen on weekdays and devsprints and workshops on
weekends. We are actually
late to the party so, let's do it.

> I think it's perfectly fine to axe things like an extra day, the kids
> track etc. if it means we can reduce the size and do it at a venue which
> is available during a weekend.
>> This is *10th YEAR* and we want to take PyCon India to next
>> level. Request everyone to give us time and space to plan things.
> The "us" are people on this list unless there's something else going on
> that I'm not aware of. While all the people here might not be able to
> participate on the ground, I think most of the opinions and discussions
> are valid and useful.

For PyCon India 2018 planning, we have invited all of them to
participate face to face as well as through hangout.
Lastly Sayan and Vijay held two face to face meeting for the same in
Bangalore and two online video hangout meeting so that everyone can
join. If you think it is going wrong, please join our meetings so that
we can discuss clearly. Minutes were already sent from previous
meeting and nothing is happening behind closed doors.
. It is very important for shaping and successful execution of the conference.

>> Also, to answer on the venue, we considered multiple venues which were
>> suggested in this thread as well. Most of the venues have only one big
>> conference room which does not fit our requirement. The bigger venues
>> are costing us more than BIEC. We have considered everything before
>> concluding on BIEC and all the pointers were already provided in this
>> thread earlier.
> Perhaps it's time to reconsider them then since the cost of using BIEC
> is that we'll have to do the conference on a weekday.


Chandan Kumar

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