[Inpycon] Call for Proposals || PyCon India 2016

Peeyush Aggarwal peeyushaggarwal94 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 15:03:10 EDT 2016

Hello Everyone

The Call for Proposals (CFP) for PyCon India 2016, New Delhi are live now.
We have started accepting proposals.

Those interested to submit a proposal for a talk/proposal should submit the
same at the given link [1].

More information about the event is present at the official website [2].

Kindly adhere to the guidelines mentioned for the submission of proposals.

Please help us spread the word. Kindly use #inpycon in your social updates.

Any queries regarding the CFP could be sent to contact at in.pycon.org .

Team InPycon

[1] bit.ly/inpycon2016cfp
[2] http://bit.ly/inpycon2016

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