[Inpycon] Pycon India Tickets open

Peeyush Aggarwal peeyushaggarwal94 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 04:37:20 EDT 2016


We have kicked off the sale of tickets for Pycon India scheduled from 23-25
Sept in Delhi.

Early Python and Student category are available right now in limited
numbers. Hurry before the Early Python and Student tickets run out.

Tickets for  workshops would open soon. Stay tuned to mailing list.[2]

You can book your tickets on explara[1].

Do write back on this thread in case you have any suggestions or queries.

Team Pycon India

[1] http://bit.ly/inpycon2016Register

[2.] https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/inpycon
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