[Inpycon] Experiences from Pycon Australia and more keynote speakers

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Tue Jul 16 08:40:35 CEST 2013

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On Tuesday 16 July 2013 11:24 AM, Lakshman Prasad wrote:
> Hello Team,
> I happened to be at Pycon AU last week and it was an amazing
> event.
> I found that Kenneth Reitz would be interested to come to the
> conference and that like all conferences he attends, his travel
> expenses would be borne by his employer Heroku.
> I think the case right now is similar with Alex Gaynor too, but he
> is attending PyPy sprints during Pycon India dates, at London
> anyway and will not be able to make it.
> All it would take for us to have Kenneth is to invite him. - I
> think doing that would be great and we could have it as another
> keynote - either as a closing keynote, ala fifthelephant or as a
> continuous one on one of the days.
> What do you think?

Would be nice to have him. His "Python for humans" talk is always
a sure-draw whenever he gives it.

> If he is coming, we will also have to look into whether to have
> Heroku as a sponsor and whether to ask them for workshop and the
> sponsorship price for the same.

He gave a Heroku workshop at US PyCon this year. Maybe this could
be looked into as well.

> Thanks and Regards, Lakshman
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- -- 
Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org

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