[Inpycon] Blog post on panel discussion

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 18:42:22 CEST 2013

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at nibrahim.net.in>wrote:

> So, we've finally put together a panel and, like most things these days,
> it's been finalised with a blog post -
> http://in.pycon.org/blog/panel-discussion-on-python-in-education
> Please let me know if I need to correct anything. More questions for the
> panel are welcome. I'll sort them out and decide which ones to ask
> before I show up for the conference.

     Still would like to see one teacher who makes living as a  teacher in
schools  today , would like to hear this teacher ask the other panelist
what are the difficulties they as teachers are facing on the ground . may
be this can be a starting point  for further intervention by community to
fill in the grey areas that comes out of this discussions .

no offence but the panelist  i see have done remarkable in there respective
fields as careers but the ground reality in schools is different. for
example we approached two schools in our area for the python month workshop
the response had been cold. we will be following on this after Pycon.

One college where we got good support for first year students we have sent
exercise after the workshop still there is no response from the kids with
solutions. So the question right now i am asking myself and would like to
hear views from panel is

Why Python and how do they sell it to schools/teachers and parents as a
career choice for there kids ?

one more article which paints a different picture 
the same story .

my take is we need to continue doing capacity building may be things will
start looking different in a year from now in schools .

Satyaakam.net <http://satyaakam.net/> | fossevents.in | fossacademy.org
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