[Inpycon] Bringing tickets to the venue

Dhananjay Nene dhananjay.nene at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 12:31:06 CEST 2011

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> Harshad Oak <harshad at rightrix.com> writes:
> > With printouts not only does a lot of paper get wasted, but carrying
> > printouts is inconvenient for most delegates.
> >
> > IMHO it's much simpler to just ask people to carry some id, present it at
> > the welcome desk (driving license / PAN / company card...  ) and cross
> check
> > with the list. There's no good reason for someone to take the trouble of
> > faking an id at an event like Pycon.
> [...]
> Fair enough. It's just that you're assuming the best of people which is
> not true.
> For example, they often ask for different sized T-shirts. With a ticket,
> it's simple and clear. Also, it results in shorted queues when people
> don't have to cross check lists.
> If t-shirt sizes are the only discriminator (I don't remember anything
else) - we'll just create multiple queues - each queue end having a listing
of people who have requested those t-shirt sizes. The volunteer at the head
of the queue - has a listing of people who have asked for that t-shirt size.
Perhaps may end up requiring an extra volunteer or two but that should allow
them to go ahead even in case of a valid ID in case they haven't got their

In addition if they join the wrong queue because they changed their mind on
the t-shirt size they want or because they forgot the tickets home and can't
quite recollect it - unless there is an extra volunteer readily available -
they have the ultra exclusive privilege to join the next queue again at the
rear :) (this is draconian too - but only in an exception case)

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