[Inpycon] Venue Option : BITS,Pilani

स्वक्ष vid at svaksha.com
Sat May 22 07:06:22 CEST 2010

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 09:19, Nitin Gangahar <nitin.gangahar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to all!!
>     I am a student presently studying in Birla Institute of
> Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus. Our college has a big
> enough auditorium and also two big lecture theatre halls big enough
> for the requirements mentioned on the site. Ample facilities will also
> be provided in the auditorium for conducting the conference. We are a
> group of around 30 students who would voluntarily be interested in
> organising PyCon India at our college.

Hi Nitin,

Its great that you and other interested students are enthusiastic
about hosting Pycon-india in Bits Pilani. Thanks. However for 2010,
the city/venue has been fixed and for 2011 its being hosted by Chennai
(as per the discussions on the list thusfar).
So I'd suggest that you/Bits look at 2012 and if possible create a
wiki page listing the available facilities (including contacts,
faculty/students, emailID's and phone numbers) as it would be useful
during venue discussions in future as few would want to crawl through
2 year old list archives.

thanks and regards,
vid || http://svaksha.com

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