[Inpycon] Setting up the web site for Pycon 2010 {was Website Setup}

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 10:55:11 CEST 2010

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org>wrote:

> On Thursday 22 Apr 2010 12:56:08 pm Ramdas S wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > Now that there's May 1 deadline. Can we start working on the site.
> >
> > I will be happy to chip in. I can write and fix code for apprxo 8-10
> hours
> > over  next 10 days.
> here is what needs to be done:
> 1. current code is at http://bitbucket.org/lawgon/fossconf/
> 2. new repo to be set up for pycon 2010 specific code either in bitbucket
> or
> git
> 3. code to be upgraded to svn trunk (basically adding the csrf_token stuff
> 4. site to be set up on server with some url
> 5. although fossconf does have facilities for static pages, it is not
> really
> meant for front ending a conference. So a wiki or something to be set up
> with
> the few static pages we need for the next few months - announcement of the
> conference, dates, venue and call for papers. Css to be developed for this
> wiki and said css to be integrated with fossconf
> 6. Registration will open sometime in june/july I presume. By then bank
> account, PAN number and ccavenue account to be created - these are not
> programming tasks, so I will do them
> 7. Integration of ccavenue payment with the registration module - code is
> ready at http://bitbucket.org/lawgon/certificate/ and just needs to be
> copy
> pasted to the fossconf code. (ccavenue provides a php script for
> integration
> to their gateway, but I had ported it to python back in 2004)
> 8. Decision to be taken on mode of review of papers and selection - last
> time
> it was done publicly with public review and comments, if this is changed,
> then
> the decorator on those views needs to be altered.

I can take care of items (7) and (8) once the code is forked and set up.
I will download your code later at home today and study it. Please can
take care of setting up the code for 2010 in bitbucket or github ?

> 9. the scheduling part is not on the menu - it needs to be there and people
> who would do the scheduling need to practice a bit on it
> there may be one or two things I have missed. As far as I am concerned I am
> committed to doing the legal and financial stuff but certainly am not going
> to
> adhere to silly deadlines like getting online payment ready by May 1st when
> we
> are only going to need it 2-3 months later. Anyway we need online payment
> for
> society membership and donations and all I can say is: it will be done as
> soon
> as possible.
> And I can further emphasise that in a volunteer driven environment, there
> are
> ways to get volunteers and ways to drive them away also. To tell someone -
> either do it your way and do it perfectly before such and such a date, or
> else
> I will do it my way, will result in all the volunteers opting out and and
> all
> the work landing on on or two people.
> And saying last time there were problems with the software, so this time we
> do
> not need it is like saying last time the tee shirt was printed wrongly so
> this
> time we will not have tee shirts.
> >
> > Please start discussing on how we need to set up the site. What all extra
> > features is required, if any? Please come with suggestions
> >
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Associate
> http://certificate.nrcfoss.au-kbc.org.in
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