[Inpycon] FOSS PyCon (was Re: Post Conference analysis about the performance and future plan)

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 21:10:10 CEST 2009

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Gora Mohanty <gora at srijan.in> wrote:
> My bottom line is based around two points: (a) My commitment, and
> of people that I know, is based around volunteering for a FOSS
> conference. I very seriously believe in *not* volunteering my
> time for a non-FOSS event, for reasons I am not immediately
> discussing. (b) If (a) is acceptable, we can provide a home for
> a FOSS Pycon event in Delhi/NCR, with help in local organisation.
> My hope would be to merge it with Freed.in (http://freed.in) this
> coming Feb., but that is open to discussion.
> Please do let me know if this sounds workable, and let us discuss
> how people could be involved. Please also understand that I will
> also need a confirmation from local organisers. At this point, we
> are just kicking the idea around.

If there are sufficient people who want a pure FOSS PyCon, I think you
should go for it.
I myself incline towards FOSS but I wouldn't enforce a FOSS only
clause at a PyCon that I was involved in organising. Also, if this is
to be *the* official PyCon India 2010, I wouldn't be in support of the
idea myself.

One thing that I can foresee is difficultly in arranging sponsors.
You'd have to consider other sources of funding.


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